Income Too High For Medicare Assistance Programs? Check again!
Do you know about the Pharmaceutical Assistance Contract for the Elderly (PACE) and PACENET Programs?
PACE and PACENET (PACE “Needs Enhancement Tier), help low- and moderate-income seniors with prescription drug costs in addition to Medicare.
It was announced last month that Pennsylvania is set to raise the PACENET income limit from $23,500 to $27,500 for singles, and $32,000 to $35,000 for married couples. This could benefit you or someone you care for.
The legislation passed through the House and Senate, and is simply awaiting approval from Governor Tom Wolf. The Medicare Savings Program is set to help an additional 14,500 annually by 2020-21.
The PACE programs help protect older Pennsylvanians from the doughnut hole in Medicare Part D. These programs give benefits that are as good as, if not better than, Medicare Part D. PACENET also offers low-cost prescription medication to qualified residents.
Things you should know about PACE and PACENET
- You must be a Pennsylvania resident for at least 90 days prior to the date of an application.
- You cannot be enrolled in the Department of Human Services Medicaid prescription benefit.
- You must earn $14,500 or less for single person and $17,700 or less for married.
- You must be 55 or over and certified to need nursing home level care.
- This should not be confused with Medicare PACE, which does not offer pharmaceutical assistance. PA residents looking for Medicare PACE should look for the LIFE Program.
Curious where the money comes from? With all the news of the Mega Millions and Powerball reaching record highs, proceeds from the PA Lottery help benefit older adults through these programs.
For more information, you can call Curtis Pharmacy or the PA Department of Aging at 1-800-225-7223.
Open enrollment for Medicare started October 15. If you have any questions, call your prescription experts!