Why Your Pharmacist Could Also Be Your Health Coach

The most difficult part of seeing a primary care physician is… Taking time to see them! Accessibility to a primary care physician is not feasible for more than what you need. Insurance costs, and generally, both your time and theirs, is much too precious. This isn’t a public service announcement suggesting you shouldn’t see a […]

We Are A Preferred Pharmacy Network of Highmark AND UPMC!

A preferred pharmacy network can do wonders to save you on drug costs. Are you not sure if your pharmacy is in your insurer’s preferred network? If you are familiar with two of our region’s biggest healthcare providers, this probably applies to you! Curtis Pharmacy is a preferred provider for Highmark and UPMC health insurance. This […]

Sage Curtis on National Self-Care Awareness Month

  “In dealing with those who are undergoing great suffering, if you feel burnout setting in, if you feel demoralized or exhausted, it is best for the sake of everyone to withdraw and restore yourself. The point is to have a long-term perspective” – Dalai Lama For the first time in 2017, the Registrar at […]

Why You Should Get Vaccinated Before Traveling!

We all know that summertime is the best time to travel. Kids are out of school and the weather is great. But did you know that certain countries and areas require you to have certain vaccinations before visiting them? Know before you go…to another country, that is! Plan ahead and talk to your health care […]